Top Thermogenics/Fat Burners

The following is a list of the top thermogenic agents on the market that can still be purchased following the ephedra ban. All of the supplements on this list will greatly assist in your pursuit of increasing your metabolic rate, and decreasing fat.

Number 1-IGNIT3 by Olympus Labs


Product Description:

IGNIT3 As the human race has evolved over time there have been several positive advancements in technology, commerce, and medicine that have been beneficial for society. However, there has been negative impacts that have accompanied those advancements. Our lives have become saturated with various tasks leaving little time leftover for exercise, proper nutrition and rest. Furthermore, the typical western diet consisting of an excessive amount of high fat and high-sugar, overly processed foods has led to excessive weight gain in some individuals. At the same time, there is tremendous pressure in our society to be fit and lean. There is no shortage of companies catering to this demographic. The supplement market is so oversaturated with fat burners that many are overwhelmed by all the options. Unfortunately, all of these products over promise and deliver mediocre results. Even fat burner supplements from reputable companies are only mildly effective. As a result, the consumer has devolved into a state of cynicism and has drifted further away from their target weight. So what can be done to TR1UMPH over this barrier? Your friends at Olympus Labs are here to help you. The DemiGods at Olympus Labs have conjured up a fat burning formula so advanced and aggressive your guilt will turn into pride as you evolve past genetic barriers to reveal a fitter version of yourself. Olympus Labs presents IGNIT3; an explosive fat incinerator! IGNIT3 is like nothing you have seen before, it is truly a revolutionary product. So what differentiates IGNIT3 from all the other fat burners out there? It is quite simple actually, Olympus Labs underwent an extensive research process to develop the ultimate fat burning blend, backed by clinical science. Several ingredients were considered and rejected because they did not satisfy our strict criteria of Innovation, Value and Results. A supplement formula does not necessarily need to contain a new ingredient to be innovative. Although IGNIT3 includes relatively new and emerging ingredients like Eria Jarensis and J. Regia, the innovation lies within the combination of mechanisms of action IGNIT3 targets. The two aforementioned ingredients, Eria Jarensis and J. Regia are combined with Rauwolfia Serpentina in the Adrenergic Enhancing Trifecta blend that act upon the sympathetic nervous system aid in fat loss. We are excited as you are about that blend alone, but IGNIT3 targets four more pathways for a total of 5 synergistic pathways. The AMPlified Fat Incinerating Matrix with St. John’s Wort Extract, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Leaf Extract and Caffeine targets the activated protein kinase (AMPK) to regulate metabolic function. The Brown Fat + Thyroid Modulating & Total PPAR Domination blend covers the remaining three pathways. The blend consists of Aframomum Melegueta which activates Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) which leads to thermogenesis, Ginger Root Extract for BAT activation and to regulate the thyroid hormone and Olive Leaf Extract which also activates BAT. Olive Leaf Extract and the final two ingredients, Sesamol and Haematococcus Pluvialis Extract all activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) to stimulate your metabolism and adipogenesis, the inhibition of fat storage in the body. Take a quick glance at the product label of IGNIT3 and it is clear that this is not your average fat burner. Although you may recognize some of the ingredients from some other fat burning supplements, we challenge you to look closer at those formulas. Is it just 1-2 effective ingredients accompanied with poor performing and cheap fillers? Are the doses comparable? IGNIT3 utilizes 11, yes 11, beneficial ingredients at effective doses backed by clinical studies. But that’s not all, as always, Olympus Labs uses superior extracts for superior results. That is exactly where other fat burner supplements fail, they contain random ingredients that simply do not complement each other. The manufacturers of said products clearly have no regard for the time and hardwork you put into looking your best. Their sole motivation is to profit from your misfortune. Olympus Labs would never compromise our morals and resort to such a practice. IGNIT3 targets 5 different pathways to ensure you obtain noticeable results. Olympus Labs is here to help you get back on track towards your weight loss goals. We have generated the spark to IGNIT3 your thermogenic furnace!


Number 2-B4 Thermogenic by Bpi Sports


Product Description:

ENERGY & STAMINA Double duty sports performance supplement that keeps you focused and energized. *† MIND/MUSCLE CONNECTION Enhances motor control and motivation to train harder, longer, and more efficiently. *† WEIGHT LOSS Targets those areas where it’s harder to lose fat. *† PERFORMANCE Perfect to take as a pre-workout before training, as a mid-day energy boost, or on non-training days for continued fat loss.

B4 Thermogenic

Number 3-24/7 Burn by Bpi Sports


Product Description:

Keep your metabolism running at full-speed, 24/7. This unique, multi-nutrient, caffeine free formula is an entirely new approach to weight loss. Powerful, natural ingredients make up the 24/7 BURN™ blend to support fat loss and increase energy levels.

24/7 Burn

Number 4-Lipodrene by Hi Tech Pharm


Product Description:

Lipodrene, the "Yellow Hexagon," is the original Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Fat loss formula! Lipodrene was engineered based on volumes of scientific and clinical data with hundreds of Published studies by the most prominent Universities and Medical Journals in the world, including the following: University of Chicago International Journal of Obesity American Journal of Clinical Nutrition New England Journal of Medicine "This technology is unmatched by any other weight-loss or "fat burner" product currently available."This advanced Fat burner technology is a combination of natural herbs and lipotropics specially patented as a 3-way Fat burning system that not only helps you burn away calories and fat, but our unique formula helps to control: Sugar cravings and regulates your appetite.


Number 5-Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen by Muscletech


Product Description:

For 20 years, the HYDROXYCUT name has been synonymous with results. And now next evolution of HYDROXYCUT is here. Two decades in the making, new HYDROXYCUT HARDCORE NEXT GEN features potent doses of key ingredients in unique, never-before-seen combinations to deliver the ultimate stimulant experience. It also contains green coffee for real weight loss results. Subjects taking the key ingredient in HYDROXYCUT HARDCORE NEXT GEN (green coffee extract [C. canephora robusta]) lost 10.95 lbs. in 60 days with a low-calorie diet and 3.7 lbs. in an 8-week study with a calorie-reduced diet and moderate exercise. Most thermogenic formulas don't have any scientific studies backing their key weight loss ingredients, let alone two.

Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen

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