Blackstone Labs Chosen 1

Blackstone Labs Chosen 1

Rating: 9.2/10

Product Description:

Increase Muscle Mass With No bloating Or Water Retention! Just when you thought the testosterone game was over, Blackstone Labs has rewritten the playbook once again. Introducing Chosen 1 (1-DHEA), one of the two highest-powered proandros available anywhere in the world. Chosen 1 (1-DHEA) is not a steroid, however, it is a unique precursor to a powerful testosterone derivative known as 1-testosterone. It isn't the exact version of natural testosterone produced in the body, but differs from actual testosterone only by a double bond isomer. As a complex compound, they are both different, however 1-testosterone is considered much more potent. It has an anabolic:androgenic ratio of 1:2, meaning drier gains and more aggression in the gym. 1-DHEA has been around in the nutritional supplement industry for years, but never delivered in the way we that are revolutionizing this amazing compound. Through the groundbreaking scientific liposomal delivery system, we have made the 1-DHEA you’ll be ingesting 99% bioavailable during the 2-step conversion process from androstenediol, to androstenedione, and finally to 1-testosterone. This makes Chosen 1 extremely efficient compared to similar products from 10-15 years ago. LIPOSOMAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Liposomal technology has long been used in the medical field as a carrier for drugs, but only now has this innovation made its way into nutrition supplements. This new direction and employment of liposome science is in part due to the low absorption and bioavailability rates of older, oral dietary and nutritional tablets and capsules. The low oral bioavailability and absorption of many nutrients is clinically well-documented. Being a hydrophobic (fat-soluble) molecule, 1-DHEA traditionally it has been difficult to effective get into the blood, which is hydrophilic(water-soluble). Therefore, the natural encapsulation of hydrophobic nutrients within liposomes has made for a very effective method of bypassing the destructive elements of the gastric system and aiding the 1-DHEA to be delivered to the cells. Liposomes have a hydrophobic core with a hydrophilic shell, which simultaneously protects the molecule from degradation, while allowing it be more soluble to get into the bloodstream. This is truly breakthrough delivery technology that sets Chosen 1 apart from other 1-DHEA products on the market. We have attached esters to the compound in Chosen 1, creating an environment for sustained release of the 1-DHEA throughout the time of use. Esters are added to the molecule to control its release, which eliminates the need to be dosed throughout the day on a manually timed schedule. We included the undecanoate and caprylate esters, as well as the unesterified 1-DHEA to provide prolonged elevated levels with multiple peaks. A simple AM/PM dosing schedule is all you need for optimal results. No more setting your alarm to take pills. Chosen 1 (1-DHEA) is a derivative of DHT, which cannot aromatize into estrogen. Many other products formerly on the market did not have this luxury. As a result, the aesthetic side-effects, such as water retention and gynecomastia, are at a very low probability. Chosen 1 (1-DHEA), by design, is non-methylated and does not adversely affect the liver like most steroidal products have in the past. The liver contains the necessary enzyme needed to convert 1-DHEA into 1-testosterone, but this process does not in any way harm liver function. Arguably, the best part about Chosen 1 is that it is 100% legal!! In 2004, several anabolic precursors in nutritional supplements were banned by the American government. Among them were the precursors of testosterone. However, in the Anabolic Steroids Control Act almost no steroids with a C17 carbonyl group are mentioned. That means 1-DHEA is 100% above board!

Chosen 1

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