Athletic Xtreme Advanced PCT

Athletic Xtreme Advanced PCT

Rating: 8.5/10

Product Description:

Post Cycle Therapy-Increase Your Natural Testosterone Production! Post cycle therapy designed to restore the delicate hormonal balance and prevent muscle loss after any hormonal anabolic cycle. FACT: You hormones are completely out of balance during and after any anabolic cycle, and in many cases your body is no longer producing normal levels of its own natural testosterone potentially leading to losses in muscle and libido. This imbalance is actually a good thing while on cycle, as it indicates the cycle is probably working to promote muscle gain! But after the cycle, the lack of natural testosterone production is one of the biggest reasons people lose their hard earned gains and may have a difficult time promptly recovering their libido. Advanced PCT is designed for one purpose, to get your testosterone back to normal and natural production as quickly yet gently as possible. The common post cycle advice is to jack up natural testosterone levels by squashing estrogen production/conversion. This fails to recognize that hormone levels are in a very dynamic balance, regulated by complex mechanisms, and that every change in hormone status has an inverse and sometimes drastic reaction. Advanced PCT was designed by looking at the complete picture of the body's reaction at the end of a hormonal muscle building cycle to create a product that greatly assists the body in returning to its self-regulating, delicate hormonal balance to minimize muscle loss and estrogen related side effects. When you take any externally supplied hormone, it will cause a positive imbalance of your body's natural hormones while on cycle and a negative imbalance when transitioning off cycle. To understand how important and absolutely necessary PCT is to any hormonal cycle we need to briefly understand what happens in the body while on cycle. The purpose in taking any pro-hormone, steroid, or hormone is to cause protein synthesis by directly activating androgen receptors. Testosterone is the natural key to unlocking these powerful receptors, but other synthetic or naturally occurring compounds have been found to do this quite successfully, such as 3-AD. Most work by either directly converting to testosterone or are chemically very similar to testosterone in structure, which means they also participate in the body's natural self regulation of testosterone production. Self regulation? Yes, the body produces various hormones (testosterone activators), that cause testosterone to be secreted, while at the same time the testosterone itself stops or slows the production of these hormones. The end result is a perfect balance of testosterone levels. So when we introduce an external testosterone or testosterone equivalent, those activators stop producing for awhile, thus significantly reducing natural testosterone secretion. So in reality, when you quit your cycle, what your body immediately needs is to quickly start producing these testosterone activators more than anything because they control the release of testosterone. They are the gate keepers! But, this is only part of the equation. Hormone levels want to be in a precise balance, which includes the testosterone /estrogen balance. Many pro-hormones claim that their products cannot aromatize, thus leading you to a conclusion that you do not need to worry about estrogen. However, the body wants to be in balance and when the testosterone levels skyrocket while on-cycle you must recognize that your body reacts to create balance by increasing natural estrogen production. Excess estrogen can interrupt the production of testosterone and cause unwanted effects in healthy males. Again the key is balance and your body needs some estrogen. Many commonly used post cycle products work by completely eradicating estrogen from the body. This is far from supporting the delicate balance in the body. Choose a product that will get you back to normal, safely and quickly. Choose a product that focuses on the whole picture to avoid other negative reactions. Choose Anabolic Xtreme Advanced PCT. Cordyceps Extract - This powerful extract has been demonstrated to increase LH which is one of the testosterone activators that is directly related to secretion of testosterone from the testes. It has traditionally been used for the enhancement on sexual performance in China for many centuries, which means that your libido gets a boost as well. Our extract is one of a kind and very potent, containing almost three times more active constituents than the widely used (7% active) commercial extract! L-Histadine - To compliment the increase of LH production from the Cordyceps, this compound acts to increase the responsiveness of the Leydig cells which use the LH to produce testosterone. These two components work together to jumpstart the Testosterone Feedback Loop back into production and finding your body's delicate balance. L-Histadine is a direct precursor to histamine which is an important component in the production of the testosterone activators and has been shown to increase the responsiveness of Leydig cells. (*note - anti-histamines, commonly used for seasonal allergy and illness, lower testosterone levels by an inverse mechanism and should be avoided during PCT when possible.) Grape Seed Extract - The first of a two-pronged approach to controlling estrogen. Grape seeds contain Procyanidin Dimmers which act to slow the mechanism of the conversion process of androgens to estrogen (aromatization). Control, not eradication of estrogen, is important when coming off a cycle and this grape seed extract will slow the process down to normal levels. The grape seed extract works synergistically with the 6-Bromodione to normalize estrogen levels. The extract that we use is very potent and contains not less than 95% PCO content! Grape Seed is also a fantastic anti-oxidant, almost 30x more effective than vitamin C. Every ingredient was carefully researched, tested, and integrated in precise ratios to create the new standard for post cycle therapy products. Advanced PCT will propel your hormones back to healthy levels quickly, allowing you to keep those hard earned gains and avoid the effects of the body's reaction to the end of an anabolic cycle. For additional protection against other non-hormonal post cycle factors that can affect muscle retention, see Anabolic Xtreme Retain2 and add it to your post cycle regimen.

Athletic Xtreme Advanced PCT

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